It's Now or Never Get Out And Vote!
Exercise Your Power...
Vote In The Brooklyn Primary September 15, 2009
There are still a few hours to make a big difference in this primary election.
Before the polls close here's what you can do:
1. If you haven't already -- VOTE TODAY:
Find out where to vote here Poll Site Locator
2. Call or email everyone you know and make sure they've voted.
3. Go back to your polling location and encourage everyone to stay in line until they vote. Anyone who is in line before the polls close (9:00pm) can cast their ballot, no matter how long the line.
4. If you can't leave your house, get out the vote by calling voters:
You can help bring the votes we need to succeed.
Thanks for everything you're doing,
Robert E. Cornegy, Jr.
Cornegy 2009: It's Now or Never Get Out And Vote Brooklyn!
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